What You Learned in Nursing School about Documentation Will Help You: Your Legal Nurse Guide

What You Learned in Nursing School about Documentation Will Help You: Your Legal Nurse Guide

In your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) practice, your main concern is with the medical record. Whether you’re reviewing a paper document or electronic health record, your approach will be the same. 

Let’s look at charting from the perspective of a nurse. Whether you’re reviewing the documentation on behalf of the plaintiff or defendant, think about how the nurse goes about documenting nursing care. After all, if the nurses’ notes are at the center of a potential lawsuit, you’ll need to understand and interpret what was in the nurse’s mind at the time the event occurred.

Attorneys Want Your Nursing and Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Opinion
As a nurse, and a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, the attorney is relying on your nursing opinion. What you say matters. So, let’s go into the mind of a nurse…

Here’s what a nurse should’ve been taught:
One of the most vital components of good nursing care is proper documentation. This practice of thoroughly and completely recording each interaction with patients is made even more important when you consider the possibility of legal action against you, the nurse providing care. 

  1.  The first thing a patient considering a lawsuit will do is request their medical records. This includes any and all charts and documents created. They will, of course, be searching for errors. These records are of great consequence in the legal process.

“The first thing a patient considering a lawsuit will do is request the medical records.”

Knowing that the patient will get the medical records should be motivation enough to make the records thorough and detailed. Remember, anything you write or record could be read in court. So when you chart in the medical record, think in the back of your mind that a judge or jury might both hear and see them.

“Anything you write could be read in court.”

     2.  Strive to document in the most comprehensive and detailed way possible. Time restraints are the biggest obstacle between a nurse and thorough charts. With the busy nature of the job, sometimes nurses are forced into leaving documents incomplete, or they make only vague notes.

It can take years for a lawsuit to culminate; it is unlikely that you’ll remember everything clearly if you get sued. Your charts and documents are the key to knowing what you did and why you did it, so be sure you write and record enough information to recall the specifics of the case, or at least what your usual and customary practice would have been in the situation.

     3.  Stay on top of your nursing charting. Sure, you may need to put off fully completing some charts on particularly busy days, but try not to wait too long. The longer you wait to fill out the necessary paper work, the more it may look you are trying to falsify the actual occurrence after the fact.

The nursing adage “if it is not documented, it is not done” should always be applied to your work. Also consider that, unless you documented an action or treatment, legally speaking it never occurred. Don’t just note what was abnormal in a case, record the commonplace, typical events in a patient’s care. It could be the normalcy of your treatment – the fact that you followed basic protocol – that helps you avoid getting sued.

     4.  Check all items and fill in every blank space, every question, every box on each form for which you’re responsible. Again, don’t think that you’ll be able to remember the details of the care given down the road if you don’t properly document. Even if it seems obvious or mundane, make a note of it.

If you’re unable to fully complete your orders for a patient’s care, be sure to note that. For example, if a patient is sleeping when you check in on them, don’t simply leave certain areas of their chart incomplete. Note the circumstance as to why the document isn’t fully complete (i.e. “patient is sleeping, therefore did not check temperature”) so you cannot be accused of deficient care later.

“It’s better to write too much in your charts than to write too little!

Of course not every mistake rises to the level of a lawsuit, and accurate charting is important for the proper care and treatment of patients. But, the need for understandable and comprehensive charting becomes far more important if a case goes to court.

     5.  A fundamental aspect for healthcare providers named as defendants in a lawsuit is the ability to recall. Sometimes this is years after caring for a patient and the details of a case even after examining your notes from the charts is hard to do accurately. The more information you include in your charts, the easier it will be for you avoid being unfairly accused.

Look For These Entries In The Medical Records
You’re looking to see the four basic elements in the nurses’ documentation: Assessment, Plan, Implementation, and Evaluation. Whether you’re reading the Nurses’ Notes, Medication Administration Record (MAR), or Nursing Care Plan, watch for these basic elements. The more complete the nursing care record, the greater the chance the correct care was provided. 

Whether you’re approaching it from the plaintiff or defense side of the case, these principles apply. Remember, while you’re focusing on the case from your perspective as a legal nurse consultant, you’ll need to consider the strengths and weaknesses or opposing counsel’s case. That’s what makes your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant services even more valuable. It’s your ability to spot issues and bring them to the lawyer’s attention.

You’ve been trained as a nurse and a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant. That’s quite an impressive combination! Rely on your legal nurse consultant training and your nursing education as well as your experience to explore all aspects of the patient’s medical record before you draw conclusions. 

Looking at the clinical care that was provided to the patient, does it meet the nursing standard of care? Does it fall short or does it exceed it? You’re in the best position to determine this from reading the notes. The nursing entries should be contemporaneous with the event but consider that they might be anecdotal. It’s yours to decide.

P.S. If you like what you’re just learned here, you’re going to love our freebie. Get it here.

How To Prepare For Attorney Interviews: Professional Legal Nurse Consultants’ Guide

How To Prepare For Attorney Interviews: Professional Legal Nurse Consultants’ Guide

You want to review medical records for an attorney in your capacity as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). How do you effectively prepare for the attorney interview?

Here are the best attorney interview tips to help you earn the job:

In-person or online. Knowing whether your interview will be live or virtual impacts how you prepare. Live attorney interviews affect what you wear, your physical notetaking, and your transportation. Virtual attorney interviews mean you must have a distraction-free and quiet location, have alternate connectivity plans should things go awry, and dress the part, at least from the waist up.

You act differently when you’re talking with an individual in-person. You might feel less “on” because there’s no camera. While you initially could feel stressed, often the interviewer helps alleviate this by asking you easy-to-answer questions in the beginning. Thus, you’re more relaxed as the interview progresses.

When you’re doing an online interview, you generally will be less relaxed. The technology might interfere with your ability to fully engage. Know this ahead of time and plan for it.

Regardless whether your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant interview is live or virtual, maintain your professionalism at all times. Don’t reach over and grab your coffee cup, for example. This is not a “meet and greet”. It’s a job interview and treat it as such.

Research attorney and law firm. By far the most important preparation you can do is to research the attorney and their law firm in advance. You want to come across as knowledgeable and reliable. Let your fingers do the Google, or other online, search in advance of the interview.

Law practice areas. There is no substitute for knowing ahead of time the type of law practice of the attorney. You’ll likely be interviewing with attorneys who do litigation. Specifically, medical malpractice litigation and personal injury matters.

Limit distractions. For example, during an online job interview, one interviewee’s cat was walking around in the background throughout the entire interview. This is not only a major distraction, it lowers the interviewee’s degree of professionalism. By the same token, the preferred mode of online interview is the use of a desktop or laptop computer. You can’t have your phone ringing or dinging in the background.

Lighting. If you’re interviewing virtually, your voice must be heard clearly and distinctly. Sounds simple, but it might not be. You’ll need the appropriate amount of light in the background without shadows. An overhead ceiling fan often creates a strobe light kind of effect that’s disconcerting, to say the least.

Background. Remember the adage, KISS. Keep is simple, sweetheart. If you’re going to be interviewing virtually, either have a nice and clean background or use a professional virtual background. You’ll likely need a green screen. By now in the Covid pandemic, you’ve probably seen the halo affect that happens when people don’t use a green screen. Don’t let that be you.

Your resume. Regardless whether you’re interviewing in-person or online, have your resume easily transmittable. For in-person attorney interviews, bring extra copies of your resume with you. For online attorney interviews, have your resume on a desktop file so you can easily screenshare. You don’t want to fumble around for one of the most important pieces of documentation.

You should’ve already emailed your resume to the attorney well in advance of your interview. Just like you wouldn’t give a gift unless it were wrapped or in a gift bag, don’t send your resume without an introductory email. You want to pave the way for your success. This can be accomplished with just a few sentences in your email. Some jobs may require a separate cover letter, but you might also need to send an email with it.

Not all job application materials are the same. Be sure you’re sending the items the interviewer is requesting. For example, a cover letter, resume, application, and references could be required. Other attorneys just want an email with your resume. Send what they want even though you have these other items.

Anticipate questions. You’re a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). You’ve already attained your PLNC certification. Professionals anticipate questions they might be asked in an interview. For example, “tell us about yourself”. This is your time to shine. Answer the questions directly and be sure to include your nursing experience. Whether you’ve worked less than one year or thirty years, you have nursing experience. Show it off, however use some humility as well.

Questions like “tell us two of your strengths and two of your weaknesses” are common in interviews. Know in advance your strengths and weaknesses. We all have weaknesses. Not to worry. When it comes to your weaknesses, be sure they could easily be perceived as strengths. The goal is to secure the job, so you want to present yourself as not only competent but knowledgeable.

Come prepared with questions. Almost all interviewers ask interviewees if they have any questions. Come prepared with at least three to five of them. It could be that the interviewer answers a couple of your prepared questions during the interview, so then you’re down to three pre-prepared questions left. You want to be interactive and friendly.

Thank you. Saying “thank you” regardless of how the interview went is the professional thing to do. But, saying it is not enough. You MUST send a thank you note.

There are different schools of thought on whether it should be handwritten or electronic. In this day in age, an email thank you is perfectly appropriate. Regardless which way you decide to send your thank you note, it must be timely. If there were multiple interviewers, send each a separate thank you with slightly different wording. The interviewers could forward your emails to each other, so you want them to be personalized.

Now, go secure that job. You can do it. You’re a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant!

P.S. What, specifically, do you think helped you land the job?

Staying Motivated When Just Starting Your Business: Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Roadmap

Staying Motivated When Just Starting Your Business: Your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Roadmap

You’ve just earned a UNIQUE certification, which means…You are UNIQUELY-Qualified to fulfill your PURPOSEPURPOSE means to you’ll rise up and meet the challenge. Take HOLD of your PURPOSE!

Many seek their heart and answers…to FIND their PURPOSE. Y O U  now have that GIFT and those Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) SKILLS.

Be INSPIRED about your PURPOSE! 
Today’s Job Market equates SPECIFIC SKILLS to: Having…an EDGE!  A step HIGHER! Remember…before anything ELSE…Take a MOMENT to reflect on what YOU now OFFER! It’s WITHIN you – and will INSPIRE you, when you REACH INside.

After Dreaming about YOUR PURPOSE…it is time to:

ON-Purpose:  LIVE YOUR Dream!  

Reflect on these INSPIRED quotes:
Look and you will find it-what is unsought will go undetected.”…Sophocles

 “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”…Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

FOCUS on your PLNC Career
YOU FOCUS your eyes…To that Level…YOU will Rise! FOCUS suddenly DAWNS on YOU…When You SHAKE-OFF: Your Yesterday and Your Tomorrow…AND JUST…FOCUS on RIGHT NOW. 

ON-PURPOSE…Open WIDE: Your EYES and simply ALLOW YOURself to: Be IN the PRESENT Moment.  You will be glad YOU did.

BREATHE IN  D E E PL Y, and ONLY Think about this GIFT…called: YOUR PLNC Certification!

Reflect on these FOCUSED quotes:
“People only see what they are prepared to see”…Emerson, Ralph Waldo

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”…Confucius

Be ready to RISE!
YOU’VE  r e f l e c t e d  on your PURPOSE and your FOCUS.Now it’s TIME TO: RISE!     

RISING and PUTTING your  P L A N into ACTION   N O W  is…v i t a l. The  L O N G E R  you WAIT…to Rise-UP and  L I V E  YOUR skills and talents…the HARDER it is to  o f f e r  YOUR  gift. Even WHEN you  R E A L L Y  want to…it is  E A S Y  to find distractions.

Like…getting BACK on-TRACK after  I N D U L G I N G  in: UNhealthy UNnutritious UNsightly food in our INsides. There is not a  P E R F E C T  time. Just like…there are no PERFECT people. 

SO…to stay on Y O U R  track in YOUR life…take a DEEP breath,  S H A R E  your BEST smile –

                                         A N D…

  *Be INSPIRED about your PURPOSE

  *CATCH that FOCUS..

   So…NOW Y O U are


 “If you can imagine it you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”…William Arthur Ward

“Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.”…Henry David Thoreau

P.S. Are you ready to thrive as a PLNC?

Helping Others by Reviewing Their Medical Records: One PLNC’s Story

Helping Others by Reviewing Their Medical Records: One PLNC’s Story

I want to make a difference. I want to help others. These are reasons we often tell ourselves why we go into nursing. These are the exact same reasons to become a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). You take your nursing skills, combine them with the legal skills you’ll learn in your PLNC Certification Course, and viola, you are ready to make a difference and help others!

How, you ask, can a PLNC make a difference and help others? The answer is simple: review medical records and give your opinion.

Your nursing opinions counts. Your nursing experience counts. When you put together your nursing experience with acquired legal know-how, you instantly have the credibility you need to be successful as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC).

Let’s break this down in pieces.

You become a nurse. You work as a nurse. No set number of years or practice areas matter. It just matters that you’re a nurse and have worked as one.

Gnawing at you may be your desire to help. To do something that matters in this world. That was this one nurse’s reason to get PLNC certified. 

This nurse, let’s call her, Abby, loved to watch courtroom dramas on TV. Abby envisioned herself as a nurse but her long-term dream was to be a lawyer. While she didn’t want to go through the rigors of further schooling, she wanted to do more with her nursing degree. Abby was struggling to pay her bills yet wanted to make her mark in life. She asked herself how she could do it being a nurse? She had to go on in her schooling, even if the going was going to be tough.

Bit by bit, step by baby step, Abby pressed on. She did an internet search, asked around, and found the legal nurse consultant program that fit her needs. One that was thorough, affordable, and able to be completed 100% online. One that had an unlimited mentoring program. One that was recognized in the field as the preeminent Professional Legal Nurse Consultant program.

Abby selected Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants and never looked back. In two days, she completed the online PLNC Certification Course and immediately added the PLNC credential to her signature. She framed her beautiful PLNC Certification certificate and hung it on her bedroom wall. She was proud. She was happy. She did it.

Now, she wanted to review medical records for others. Abby hooked up with a Plaintiffs’ law firm in her town and reviewed her first medical record. Got paid. Reviewed her second medical record. Got paid. And on and on it went.

Looking back now as a successful Professional Legal Nurse Consultant, Abby is so happy she did it one step at a time. She attained success. She pressed forward even when she doubted herself. 

Abby accomplished her goal to make a difference and to help others. Interestingly, it’s still her goal as she continues on her beautiful journey.

P.S. How can you make a difference in the lives of others?


A Primer on the Court System: Good Knowledge for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

A Primer on the Court System: Good Knowledge for Professional Legal Nurse Consultants

The court system is a tangled web and we will untangle it for you.

There are two court systems: federal and state. As a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC), you’ll most likely be dealing with cases in the state court system. While the court systems vary from state to state, the overarching similarity is that there are three levels. The courts may each be called something different depending upon the state, though.

State Court Systems
Trial Court: This is the entry point for lawsuits. Depending upon the facts and alleged damages, it will determine exactly in which court the lawsuit will be filed. Examples of trial courts are circuit court, chancery court, superior court, general sessions court, environmental court, criminal court, etc.

Appellate Court: This the next level of courts. If a plaintiff or defendant wants to appeal the lower court’s decision, it’ll be to the appellate court. An example of an appellate court is a court of appeal.

Supreme Court: This is the highest level of courts. Remember, the exact name of the court may be different depending upon the state. An example of a supreme court is the (State name) Supreme Court.

Federal Court Systems
District Court: The district court is the trial court in the federal system. A district court may serve a city and surrounding areas. An example of the district court is United States District Court for (State Name) for the Western District.

Circuit Court: This is the court of appeal which usually serves several neighboring states. An example of the circuit court is the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeal.

Supreme Court of the United States: This is the highest-level court in the land. It’s called the Supreme Court of the United States.

How Cases Proceed Through the Court System
If a person, or entity, is ready to file a lawsuit, their Complaint must be filed in the appropriate court. The first decision is where to file it: state or federal court. There are certain requirements for filing in state or federal court that must be met. Failure to meet them could result in a dismissal. It’s imperative to know the filing requirements prior to filing a case.

Once the case is filed in the right court, discovery begins. This is when depositions can be taken, interrogatories are served, requests for production of documents are also served, and all manner of requests are made of the opposing parties.

When the case is set for trial will usually determine the deadline for discovery. The trial date could be near or far, but at least there is, potentially, an end date.

There are motions filed and argued in advance of trial. The outcome of the motions determines the course of the case. If the case proceeds to trial, there will be a prevailing party.

Either side can appeal the decision of the trial court, but it is usually the losing party who appeals.

After required documents are filed with the appellate court, the justices will decide the outcome. There may or may not be oral argument.

Depending upon the case, the litigant(s) may or may not be able to appeal the case to the highest- level court.

This primer should help you navigate the complex court systems.

P.S. What’s the name of your trial court?

Decorate Your Home Office Equipment Like a Pro: A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Guide

Decorate Your Home Office Equipment Like a Pro: A Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Guide

When you think about owning your own Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) business, it gets you EXCITED! It should. As a nurse, you should be in control of your own nursing career. Stocking and decorating your home office is both fun and exciting. Think about getting the following pieces of equipment. You don’t need a lot to get started after obtaining your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification.

A good home office will have essential items for keeping your PLNC business successful. There are, of course, costs associated with the purchase of office equipment.  Therefore, you should be mindful of the most important things you need.  Depending on your financial situation, you may decide to gradually build upon the equipment in your home office. Again, it is up to you to decide what is essential for your home office; the following is a list of some of the things you might consider:


  • Computer – MAC or PC does not make a difference.  It’s really what you feel most comfortable with.  You may choose to use a laptop as opposed to a desktop computer.  A laptop will afford you the luxury of working away from home or perhaps at a client’s office when they cannot provide office or equipment space to you.    Computer Modem – This will help you connect to the internet when WIFI is otherwise unavailable. You may even decide to purchase a WIFI hot spot.   
  • Computer Software – Choose computer software that will allow you to create a variety of documents such as Word, PDFs, Excel, and Invoices.  Microsoft Office is one such software that allows this.  Weigh your options before purchasing. 
  • Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax Machine – There are many printers that have multiple functions. Getting an all-in-one printer/scanner/copier/fax machine will likely save you time and money.
  • Mobile phone – Get the latest and greatest. You don’t want to have to keep replacing your mobile phone. When clients want to reach, you need to be able to accept their phone calls, emails, and/or texts.   
  • Website – Setting up a company website is a good marketing tool! There are many companies that offer quick, easy website setups that look nice.  Depending on the amount of money you have to spend, you may also wish to go with a professional web designer to create a site for you.   
  • File Cabinet/Files – Information can be stored on a computer, but it is good archival practice to back up all data on a disk or have paper copies.   
  • Business Cards – Tried but true – these small pieces of paper are also a great marketing tool and direct clients to all the information on your business. Be sure the layout, color, font, and design is professional. Don’t forget to add your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) Certification credential. It’ll lend you credibility. 

Decide what you want and what you need to get started and to stay successful. You’re in control of your own Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) destiny.

P.S. What home office equipment did you decide to get?