How to Brand Yourself as a PLNC
You want to review medical records as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC). You want lots of attorneys to work for and lots of cases. So, you need to brand yourself as “thee” best in your nursing field. Use these three Professional Legal Nurse Consultant branding techniques to help get your PLNC business thriving:
1. Figure out your “why”: Why do you want to review medical records? Why are you the best candidate to do this? Think about this one. Is it, maybe, because as a nurse you know how to spot the issues when you have read medical records in your current job? Are you the “go to” nurse for selected problems? Are you a problem solver? Try to get it clear in your head so you will be able to express it to others.
2. What is your passion?: Maybe you have been a nurse 15 years, maybe it has been 3 years, but specifically what is it about nursing that you are passionate about? Drill down now and think about it in detail. Is it the helping aspect or maybe it is the advocate aspect. The more detailed you are, the clearer it becomes.
3. Specifically, what sets you apart from other nurses?: Every nurse brings something to the table. What do you bring? How are you different from your nursing peers, from your PLNC peers, from your other colleagues? Think about this one. We are all unique in different ways. Your goal is to solidify your uniqueness.
Professional Legal Nurse Consultants (PLNC)’s are special. Think about your responses to these three tools to branding your nursing self and you will be well on your way to becoming the stand out PLNC you always wanted to be.

Join Your Nurse Colleagues and Get PLNC Certified
You have a chance to broaden your skill set as a nurse. The last opportunity in 2014 for nurses to get certified as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) by live course is coming up on October 25 & 26 in Memphis, TN. You have a choice:
✔ Get your PLNC certification and let new opportunities open up for your nursing career. This is a great choice and you would be in excellent hands. Many, many nurses have come before you and gotten their PLNC certification in two days. They are both successful AND happy. You can be, too. Here are some testimonials from your nursing colleagues who have taken the 2-Day Professional Legal Nurse Consultant certification course, either by live course or webinar:
“I looked at becoming certified as a PLNC for awhile and now I realized my dream.”
“Best thing I ever did for myself was to attend this course.”
“Loved learning about real cases.”
“I took the PLNC course and got two cases to review. I’m on cloud nine.”
Stay where you are.
You make the PLNC choice.

The Secret to Tweeting Daily About Your PLNC Business
Set a goal of having at least one post per day on Twitter. You want to share with others, not just focus on me, me, me True enough, you want to let attorneys know you’re out there, but you can incorporate that information into your tweets discreetly.
The secret you ask? Share content, don’t push content. Start thinking about the types of information you want to share with prospective attorneys, peers and mentors. Think about the information you have online, either via Facebook or a website, that you can link to. Keep bookmarks of important articles that others might benefit from. Use sites like https://www.pulse.me to find breaking news so that you can curate content that adds value to your network.
You want to say what you want to say in 140 characters or less. Ever wonder why bullet points were created? To make the information conveys be succinct and easy to read. That’s your aim in tweeting. Your tweets must be resourceful and valuable. You want others to follow you and rely upon your message.
Twitter has more than 500 million users and 175 million tweets posted daily. That is a lot of information being shared. It also means that a huge segment of your market can be found there.
Whenever you tweet, remember the secret.

Good Book for PLNCs To Read
Here’s a good book for you to read: The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber. Every Professional Legal Nurse Consultant must think of his/herself as an entrepreneur. You have your nursing skills, now you want to put them to work for you in the legal arena.
Here are some words of wisdom from Gerber you can use today in your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business, whether you are just starting or thriving:
“Educate yourself sufficiently…”. Applying this to PLNCs, you need to stay current on legal nurse consulting and nursing in particular. There are numerous ways to stay ahead of the curve – blogs, journals, books, you name it, it is out there.
“Great people have a vision of their lives that they practice emulating each and every day.” This means more than showing up, it means, according to Michael Gerber, going to work on your life, not just in your life. He further comments that this is the difference between living fully and just existing. Applying this to your PLNC practice, you are actively in control of your business. You should pursue reaching out and contacting attorneys at your vigilant pace, not just waiting for attorneys to call you.
Now, ask yourself these questions, Gerber urges:
- What do I wish my life to look like?
- How do I wish my life to be on a day-to-day basis?
- What would I like to be doing two years from now? Ten years from now? Twenty years from now?
The book finishes up with a detailed “Systems Strategy” you can easily put into place in your PLNC business. It walks you through it step-by-step with examples. This book has many applicable features for every Professional Legal Nurse Consultant.

12 Ways To Boost Your Professional Legal Nurse Consulting Visibility
We decided to give you a little something to sweeten your day by posting our top 12 ways to increase your PLNC business visibility, whether it’s online or offline. Here we go:
1. Update your profile listing on the Jurex Expert Directory. Need help? Email us: info@jurexnurse.com
2. Tweet about your nursing skills. Use Twitter regularly.
3. Post a status update on Facebook. Use your facebook page to promote your PLNC business.
4. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated. Maybe you just want to post something new or you’ve changed jobs. Update it.
5. Be sure you’ve opened up a Google+ account. You want the search engines to find your PLNC practice.
6. Any new YouTube videos about your PLNC company that you could share? Now’s the time.
7. A website for your Professional Legal Nurse Consultant business would be great. Remember, KISS (Keep it simple, sweetheart).
8. Put the Jurex-certified logo on your website. You want to show you’re PLNC certified. We’ll email it to you.
9. Place your PLNC business ad in selected journals. Try placing one in your local bar association journal. Then, branch out.
10. Write a short article for an attorney’s publication. It would be great to be in the same journal where your ad appears.
11. Provide a short presentation about your PLNC services at your local or state bar association meeting. It must be short and to the point.
12. Get your PLNC business cards. Better yet, get all your marketing materials together for one great price at www.jurexnurse.com and select Jurex Marketing Pack. It includes business cards, letterhead, envelopes AND your brochure.